The Philosophy of Ikigai: Finding Balance as a Wellness Practitioner

The Japanese have a term: “ikigai” (生き甲斐). It isn’t just a word, but a deep-rooted philosophy, and when translated, it embodies the essence of “a reason for being.” As we explore the world of wellness, we begin to recognize how the philosophy of Ikigai can be intertwined with the very fabric of our practice. More than a profession, being a wellness practitioner is a calling, and understanding the essence of Ikigai can guide us towards a fulfilling and balanced journey.

What is Ikigai?

Ikigai is traditionally visualized as the intersection of four primary elements:

  1. What you love (your passion)
  2. What the world needs (your mission)
  3. What you are good at (your vocation)
  4. What you can be paid for (your profession)

The true essence of Ikigai lies at the center of these overlapping areas. It’s where passion, mission, vocation, and profession converge, providing us with a clear sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Deeper Meaning of Offering a Service

When we, as wellness practitioners, offer our services, we are not merely offering a treatment or a session. We are offering our time, our dedication, our expertise, and the culmination of years of investment in learning and practice. This isn’t just a service—it’s a reflection of our very being, our Ikigai.

So, when we think of pricing our services, it’s essential to understand that we’re not putting a price tag on our worth but reflecting the value of the unique blend of passion, mission, vocation, and profession we bring to the table.

Balancing Value Offered and Monetary Rewards

In the Ikigai philosophy, receiving monetary compensation is as essential as the other three elements. There’s a natural hesitancy among many wellness practitioners about charging for their services. This hesitancy often stems from the erroneous belief that if you truly care for someone or are passionate about your work, you shouldn’t ask for money.

However, Ikigai teaches us that for true balance and fulfillment, all four elements must be met. We are entitled to be compensated for the value, time, dedication, and investment we pour into our practice. Embracing this understanding not only ensures our sustainability as practitioners but also allows us to serve our clients better. After all, a well-compensated practitioner can invest more in their skills, tools, and well-being, leading to an enhanced service quality. If you have difficulty receiving money, please check this blog post and understand money as an element of energy.

Money mindset and Fulfillment in Business: Embracing Ken Honda’s Happy Money Philosophy for Solo Entrepreneurs


As wellness practitioners, it’s essential to embrace the philosophy of Ikigai, recognizing that our value is multifaceted. It’s rooted in our passion, mission, skills, and the essential role of monetary compensation. Understanding and integrating the principles of Ikigai can help us strike a balance, ensuring a fulfilling career that benefits both us and those we serve.

Remember, offering your services is an extension of your very essence, a reflection of your Ikigai. And there should be no hesitation in ensuring that this essence is acknowledged, appreciated, and compensated. After all, in the words of the Japanese, finding your Ikigai is the key to a long, happy, and fulfilling life.