Tag: mindset

  • Why Pursuing Sales Goals Alone Can Stifle Growth in Heart-Centered Businesses

    Why Pursuing Sales Goals Alone Can Stifle Growth in Heart-Centered Businesses

    In today’s fast-paced business world, numbers often dominate the conversation. Profit margins, sales targets, and revenue growth frequently become the north stars that guide many business ventures. But in heart-centered businesses, particularly those in the wellness industry, there’s a deeper essence at play. While these numbers are crucial, focusing solely on them can limit growth…

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  • To get to your goals/destinations

    To get to your goals/destinations

    If you are starting out as a wellness entrepreneur, this may be hard to imagine. However, my recommendation is to start training your mind to set certain goals in a year later. Set your first destination as a goal Without any destination, you will get lost. You are captain of your own ship, meaning that…

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  • Business mindset: Haisui no jin 背水之陣 Backwater formation

    Business mindset: Haisui no jin 背水之陣 Backwater formation

    This has served my life again and again. I often take out wisdom from my culture, especially from Samurai. Their life was devoted to being warriors, always facing life/death. They had to train their minds unshakably in difficult circumstances. What is Haisui no jin Haisui no jin is translated backwater formation. You are outnumbered comparing…

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  • Nana Korobi Ya Oki 七転び八起き

    Nana Korobi Ya Oki 七転び八起き

    When you start a new journey, you learn through mistakes. However, the pain of falling can be so painful that you feel you don’t want to keep going. The wellness business journey is the same. No one is immune to these experiences. If you are in that situation now, feeling stuck and unable to move…

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  • Sessa takuma 切磋琢磨

    Sessa takuma 切磋琢磨

    Being an entrepreneur is often lonely. I believe in using sessa takuma to make this lonely journey into a joyful, exciting one where you will grow exponentially. I will use an example I observed to explain sessa takuma. I was born in a family which cultivated their own future by creating our own business. I…

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