If you want to sell at ease, don’t sell.

Many people are confused with marketing. Being busy posting signing up for your services, announcing your current services all the time on social media.

 If you want to sell, your social media post doesn’t have to be an advertisement. We bombarded with many unwanted solicitations via robot calls, spam emails and so forth. Your post will likely to be ignored, if not muted or unfollowed because your post is not really focused on your target audience. When people are not interested in those subjects, it doesn’t matter that your message, blog article is superb. They will not be appreciated.

Like I listed on this blog article, there are other things that you can do and behind the scenes you will receive more tangible request for booking or purchasing your items. Well, what is that?

Share useful information from your professional point of view.

I will share an example of an email newsletter to my clients. I am a holistic esthetician and an energy worker, successfully operating my studio. This email was sent to my salon clients.

The topic is Acne and food sensitivity.


Share that information who seeks.

This, you need to identify who your target audience is. Most people don’t realize about this important part, ended up everywhere! Don’t chase people who are not interested.

Social media is social media. Meaning, it is for communication.

So, you want to be engaging, commenting, establishing relationships just like in human environment. You don’t engage in anything to them and try to post your selling quotes, don’t work.

Build authentic relationships. Don’t have a hidden agenda and try to be nice. People know that energy, and they feel you as a fake person.

Be yourself. Don’t try to produce an image that is not you. Instead, keep the focus on producing results.

People want to know what the likely outcome will be.

Post the results that you have.

Again, don’t sell all the time! People will find you. So rather focus on how to be found in organic way.