How do we get more referrals as a wellness entrepreneur?

It’s crucial to keep attracting new clients – especially when you’ve just started out as a new wellness entrepreneur and want to be discovered by potential clients. We also want to find quality clients that make your work more joyful.

However, excellent quality, valuable, repeat clients tend to come through referrals. That means you want to be someone who gets many, many referrals.

Before I explain how we get more referrals, there’s one important thing that you need to bear in mind.

The myth of marketing

Most people use social networks as marketing tools. When you use these social media networks, there’s a missing point which absolutely no one talks about.

Marketing Myth

1: Attire

You may think that this isn’t important. Yes, it really is. I’ve encountered many people who have said the same thing. They don’t look professionally groomed or their attire doesn’t feel professional. The bottom line is that you’re in the wellness business, yet you don’t look like you’re taking care of yourself. This is the opposite of the image of self-care, meaning people don’t feel that you’re capable of taking care of them.  

 Wellness practitioner attire

This doesn’t mean you need to wear expensive, brand name clothing! Your potential clients are noticing your vibe and feeling out if you’re a good fit for them. You can read more about it here.

2: Building trust

2-1: Integrity

Do you have integrity? I’ve heard stories where pricing was changed at the end without explanation, and they ended up paying much more than they were expecting.

If the client needs a more in-depth session that requires an additional cost, ask them beforehand and let them know that it will cost more. If you forget to have this conversation, there will be a massive misunderstanding. It takes time to build trust but losing it doesn’t require much time at all. Gaining back lost trust is also exceedingly difficult.

2-2: Talk the talk, walk the walk

If you say that you will do something, deliver with action! To simply forget about it and never deliver on your actions after talking to your clients is incredibly detrimental. They won’t take you seriously anymore. If you’re late for a delivery, let them know. Communication is particularly important, and most people are kind and sincere – they don’t tend to get upset by a short delay.

In America, make sure you show up on time, are ready when they arrive, and finish on time. Just doing these three things can leave a great impression!

2-3: Being responsive

You want to reply if they want your answer. Some inquiries may not need a reply, but we all have the common sense to judge that wisely. If you’re unable to provide the service they’re requesting, let them know so they can move on. They’ll appreciate your reply and will remember in future. Even though you didn’t provide a service, a good impression remains forever. This can occasionally lead to referrals, so don’t take it lightly.

2-4: Honesty

Don’t sell them items they don’t need. By trying to upsell, you may earn a bit extra now, but it doesn’t lead to consistent sales growth.

Be honest. If they don’t need to purchase that item, explain why, and give them a choice instead of upselling. Demonstrating honesty leads to building trust. They’ll ask questions more often and you’ll become their go-to person. People will talk about your honesty and easily connect you to future referrals.

3: Being who you are

While it’s important to be yourself, you also want to be personable. It’s a wellness business, which means people want to be well. Some of them may not be having a wonderful time in their life, so be kind.

The other points I list aren’t strategy. Just treat people as you would like to be treated.  Have empathy and be kind, but make sure you are assertive enough that others will not take advantage of you. Being nice doesn’t mean being weak in the wellness business.

Most of the people in the wellness industry have a kind heart, want to help people, and are empathic. You can also be a savvy wellness entrepreneur at the same time.

These are more common sense than strategy. Were you surprised? You start building trust with others to create your reputation, then your reputation leads to seamless future referrals.