Best marketing for wellness business entrepreneurs

I have encountered so many wellness practitioners who are unable to support their life. You have invested a lot to learn those skills, put many hours to refine those skills. However, you are unable to sell your services with the added amount of those investments as value, unable to cover even necessary monthly expenses.

Selling your services too cheap, you need to do more sessions, more clients. As a wellness business entrepreneur, this is one of the biggest dilemmas. Especially when you are new, you don’t have many clients. This doesn’t mean that you need to price too high, but often the consumer has no idea how much investment and time that you have spent to get to this point.

One of the great ways to solve this dilemma is educational marketing. You want to present your background, and the values of your services. This will lead you not only as a wellness business entrepreneur to be confident with your pricing, earning more than covering necessary expenses, but also have flow of abundance.

Power of educational marketing in wellness business

Educational marketing is not focused on selling, but just giving valuable information for them to understand the background of those people, services, or products. This way of marketing will attract people who accept and want those services. You can use all or each in separate times, in separate ways.

Inform your background credentials

  • If you have certificates, put them on your walls so people can easily see them.
  • Put that information on your website.
  • How many years have you been doing this?

What is the value of your service?

As a wellness practitioner, you know your work. However, do you educate, or explain to your client what you are doing? Your service price varies what are in depth of those services. It is important to educate your clients about what is behind their services. They will appreciate it.


  • What is the intention and result that they may experience?
  • Do you use music? What type of music do you use? What is the benefit?
  • The massage you do, are they different? Is there a specific intention?
  • Products that may have significant value. What are they, and what do they do? What is the difference with others?


If you use cosmetic products, talk about what can be expected by using those products? You can point out a few key ingredients and explain.

Don’t sell yourself cheap

When the client compares your service with others by pricing, this is one indication that you are not informing your clients about the value of your service. Instead of educating your clients, you feel the need to lower your prices. This could lead your business to dead ends.

When you inform your clients about the value of your services, your clients appreciate even more that service which they have been receiving. They are happy to pay that price.

If you don’t educate your clients, they don’t know the value. Let them know with confidence. Your clients will spread this information and let others know. This creates the retain the flow of current and new referrals.